For Carriers, Reinsurers, MGAs, MGUs, TPAs, and Other Partners
BDX-Central is a market-wide subscription and cloud-based solution that supports the data exchange needs for MGA, MGUs, Carriers, Reinsurers, TPAs, and other partners. It delivers and receives bordereaux and file-based processing for any line of business or market segment.
BDX-Central’s secure hub consumes, cleanses, and transforms data into formats needed for partners to consume. As numerous insurance organizations subscribe to BDX-Central, the data-sharing requirements become more efficient and streamlined for members. This results in a cost-effective solution to replace the traditional “individual company” expensive approach to bordereaux processing.
BDX-Central solves the challenge of producing or consuming many different data formats from disparate sources and supports policy, premium, cash, claim, reinsurance cessions, recoveries, and bordereaux processing.
Optional added value capabilities such as powerful analytics and data enrichment are also available.
BDX-Central is built on the foundation of OWIT Global’s modern, insurance-specific microservice-based Bordereaux Management Solution.